Dogo Canario
There are dog Canario Other Names:
Canary dog - dogs Canar - Canary Doug.
Country of origin for dog Canario:
Canary Islands.
Height dog Canario:
Dog male 53-64 cm.
The female dog 51-58 cm.
Dog Canario weight:
Dog male 43-50 kg.
The female dog 36-41 kg.
Learning for dog Canario:
Dog Canario color:
Color can be either beige or dark gray with a white or black spots and Ooosud gray and golden.
It surrounds his face mask black or dark brown does not extend to the eyes.
Hair or scalp for dog Canario:
Hair or scalp with short length - resembling velvet coat - It's easy combing ordinary brush as well as can wipe it with a sponge or velvet Dry Bath dry shampoo.
The average age for a dog Canario:
9-11 years old.
Canario mood dog:
Dogs Canario fierce and very hostile - is considered a dominant and it requires from the owner experience to understand the nature and control - the dogs are excellent guard, where the external appearance of a deterrent, not to mention their ability to deal with any intruder, which is considered extremely dangerous if found in the wrong hands - and Aattabrepeshkl year gentle with his neighbor in a sincere and his companion.
General information about the dog Canario - Bursa Canary:
Canario dog - Bursa Canary dog was called and hails from the Canary Islands, it has been revived after the extinct by the American veterinarian Dr. Carl Samanic.
Aattabrkalp Canario average size - a large force - has a strong and elegant structure expresses its strength, agility and stamina - a clever --has - attentive - bold - hostile - and a charismatic powerful - eager to learn - reserved toward strangers, a dog excellent guard, where It will not run away from any fight.
Dog Canario is a mix of dog Almost and dog Bulldog, which was developed in the Canary Islands by dog breeders British in 1800 specifically to run games dog fighting, where the games dog fighting way entertainment is common in Europe, where trained dogs Presa Canario in Some states stamina and perseverance to fight, such as Ireland, where the organization of dog fighting matches in open fields as well as in the Canary Islands, and used it as well as Mexico and Central American growers to guard the fields, it is a pesticide to the wolves and stray dogs.
Where it can be easily Canario training by professional trainers to do several things:
1. Kaharash (government and private facilities, residential buildings, factories, labs).
2. bodyguard (Body guard).
3. The police and customs help to hunt down fugitives and criminals.
Health issues -or health problems for the dog Canario:
Many of the dogs Price Kanarioardh hip dysplasia - which suffer from dislocated Alice H or Alessi - in addition to skin diseases Kkherajat skin - scabies - epilepsy - and neurological status of the dog.
To avoid the problems of growth and health problems of genetic diseases you should buy a dog Canario - Canary dog from a breeder dogs with a good reputation.
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